Linked In Advertising

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Linked In Advertising

Linked inLinked in
Advertising on LinkedIn allows you to target
Advertising on LinkedIn allows you to target a niche community of professionals and influential members of the very industry in which you want to do business.
Linked In Advertising
There are three types of LinkedIn advertisements:
Single photo
Single photo: A straight-forward post that promotes your service or product with a hashtag, caption, and link to your website.
Multi-Photo Carousel
Multi-Photo Carousel: this advertisement features multiple slides, which allows businesses to feature more than one product or service at a time..
Slideshow: This type of ad features self-rotating images. Viewers are shown slides automatically, as opposed to clicking through them manually.
Whatever industry your business is in, it can benefit from advertising on this photo-centered social media platform. What makes linked advertisements different than any other is their simplicity and the way in which viewers are naturally intrigued by images.
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